Page 78 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 78

aspects are horrible, but very necessary, and the end result thereof is glorious as we are
               brought into absolute and complete submission to the will of our Lord.
                     It was in a minister’s conference and convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma that God gave
               me a vision which I want to share with you concerning this harnessing of our own wills.
               There were more than 30 ministers present in this particular Thursday morning service,
               and God, the Father of spirits, was present to deal with His sons, to correct them and
               discipline them to absolute obedience to His will. There was such a stern dealing in the
               Spirit that no one could go to the pulpit and minister, there was a reluctance among the
               ministers to say anything except that which was directly ordered by the Spirit. And as those
               men of God sat there in the awesome presence of Almighty God, some of them having many
               years of ministry, some missionaries, all of them capable of getting up and preaching a
               powerful sermon, I was impressed by the way they responded to the discipline of the Spirit.
               And in the midst of this terrific dealing of God with our spirits, the Holy Ghost gave me a

               I Saw the King’s Carriage

                     On a dirt road in the middle of a wide field stood a beautiful carriage, something on
               the order of a stagecoach, but all edged in gold, and with beautiful carvings. It was pulled
               by six large chestnut horses, two in the lead, two in the middle and two in the rear. But they
               were not moving, they were not pulling the carriage, and I wondered why. Then I saw the
               driver underneath the carriage, on the ground on his back, just behind the last two horses’
               heels, working on something between the front wheels of the carriage. I thought, "My, he
               is in a dangerous place; for if one of those horses kicked or stepped back, they could kill
               him, or if they decided to go forward, or got frightened somehow, they would pull the
               carriage right over him." But he didn’t seem afraid, for he knew that those horses were
               disciplined and would not move till he told them to move. The horses were not stamping
               their feet nor acting restless, and though there were bells on their feet, the bells were not
               tinkling. There were pom-poms on their harness over their heads, but the pom-poms were
               not moving. They were simply standing still and quiet, waiting for the voice of the Master.

               There were Two Young Colts in the Field

                     As I watched the harnessed horses, I noticed two young colts coming out of the open
               field, and they approached the carriage and seemed to say to the horses: "Come and play
               with us, we have many fine games, we will race with you, come catch us……" And with that
               the colts kicked up their heels, flicked their tails and raced across the open field. But when
               they looked back and saw the horses were not following, they were puzzled. They knew
               nothing of harnesses, and could not understand why the horses did not want to play. So
               they called to them: "Why do you not race with us? Are you tired? Are you too weak? Do you
               not have strength to run? You are much too solemn, you need more joy in life." But the
               horses answered not a word, nor did they stamp their feet or toss their heads. But they
               stood, quiet and still, waiting for the voice of the Master.
                     Again the colts called to them: "Why do you stand so in the hot sun? Come over here
               in the shade of this nice tree. See how green the grass is? You must be hungry, come and
               feed with us, it is so green and so good. You look thirsty, come drink of one of our many
               streams of cool clear water." But the horses answered them with not so much as a glance,
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