Page 75 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 75

                     Your Father in heaven is set about a work at this time. He is seeking to bring His sons
               and daughters to maturity, to the perfect image of His firstborn Son. He has called all in His
               family to enter into this work. Perhaps your part in this work is not a front line ministry.
               Will you say because you are not an eye that you are not a part of the body? All parts of the
               body are vital, and the body suffers when a part does not perform its allotted task.
                     One of the biggest killers among mankind is cancer. There are a wide variety of
               cancers. There is breast cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, cancer of the brain, of the
               lymph nodes of the prostate. There are so many types of cancer that I would weary you
               naming them all. Do you know what causes cancer? Cancer occurs when a cell ceases to
               perform the function it was intended for, and it begins to draw away the body’s resources
               for other purposes. One cancer cell begins to replicate other cancer cells just like it. They
               are not performing any helpful bodily function, but begin to disrupt the bodies proper
               functioning.  These  independent  cells  continue  to  replicate  until  they  spread  so  far
               throughout the body that sickness and death occurs.
                     Cancer is a spiritual parable of what is occurring in the body of Christ. There are
               multitudes of God’s children who are living independent of the purpose for which God
               created them. They demonstrate no concern for the rest of the body. They are focused only
               upon self. They are not submitted to the design of the One who created them. Each day they
               arise and go about whatever activities they have chosen for themselves. They are without
               concern that their independent actions are acting as a drag on the rest of the body of Christ.
               Perhaps they are surrounded by other Christians who are living identically, and like a
               cancer cell in the midst of many others, they compare themselves among themselves and
               judge that they must be alright for all others appear just as they do.
                     What will the Great Physician do when He comes and finds this sickness in the body
               of Christ? He will cast out these worthless members of His body into outer darkness.
                     As a Christian there is a specific work appointed to you. You have been given a deposit
               of the Spirit of Christ, a measure of faith and grace. You have been entrusted with some gift
               whereby you can supply what is lacking in another part. Yahshua understood from a very
               young age that as a son He was called to be about His Father’s business.

                       Luke 2:49
                       And He said to them, How is it that you had to look for Me? Did you not see and
                       know that it is necessary as a duty for Me to be in My Father's house
                       and occupied about My Father's business?
                       [Amplified Bible]

                     Yahshua revealed through His words that He recognized that it was His duty to be
               doing the work of His Father.

                       John 4:34
                       “My food is to do the pleasure of Him who  sent Me and to  accomplish His

                       John 5:17-18
                       But He answered them, "My Father is working until now, and I Myself am
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