Page 67 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 67

God’s sons. If things remain as they are Yahweh will have to come and strike the earth with
               a curse. To prevent this, Yahweh will send Elijah before the great and terrible day of His
               judgment. Elijah will turn the hearts of God’s sons back to Him. Elijah came before the
               firstborn Son of God was revealed to the world, and Elijah will come again before the end
               when the full number of the firstborn sons of God are revealed.
                     The Elijah ministry will be one of casting down all idolatry in the hearts of God’s
               saints. Even as Elijah confronted the children of God at Mount Carmel, telling them to
               choose who they would be devoted unto, Yahweh or Baal, he will come again and demand
               that the people of God choose. It is unacceptable unto Yahweh that His sons should have
               divided hearts. He will not allow any son to enter into the glory of the firstborn who has a
               divided heart.

                       I Kings 18:21
                       And Elijah came near to all the people and said, "How long will you hesitate
                       between two opinions? If Yahweh is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow

                     Today the Holy Spirit would declare, “If Yahweh is truly your Father, then present to
               Him an undivided heart. Have no other ambition than to do Yahweh’s pleasure.”

                       Matthew 22:37-38
                       “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all
                       your  soul,  and  with  all  your  mind.’  This  is  the  great  and  foremost

                     Yahweh is seeking sons with fiery hearts that yearn to do His will and bring Him
               pleasure. He wants sons who esteem all the allure of the world as refuse; its possessions,
               its pastimes, its entertainment, its idols. He wants sons who will not be sucked into the
               pursuit of things which will perish, but who will jealously guard against any thing that
               would distract them from a pure devotion to their Father.
                     The churches are filled today with Christians who call God “Father.” Yet these ones
               do not have undivided hearts of devotion toward Him. They give themselves to a life chasing
               after houses and lands and cars and entertainment. They spend their hours in front of the
               television. They go to ball games and car races and spend endless time and money shopping
               for things they think will bring them happiness. All the while the Father waits for them to
               turn their hearts toward Him.
                     If you would attain to the first resurrection and the glory of the firstborn sons of God,
               then you must have a single eye, a focus upon satisfying the heart of the Father who created
               you. The Spirit is present within the sons of God, crying out “Abba, Father,” yet the voice
               of the Spirit has been quenched and grieved as God’s children have been turned aside to
               other pursuits.
                     Yahshua is the model, the standard, and pattern for all other sons to emulate. Observe
               the depth of devotion to the Father in His words:

                       John 5:30
                       "I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment
                       is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent
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