Page 63 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 63

code of the Law kills, but the Holy Spirit makes alive.
                       [Amplified Bible]

                     This present life serves as a training ground for the sons of God. Yahweh must bring
               His sons to an end of independent living. He must break them of making decisions that
               arise from the soul. He seeks sons who are intent upon His will and desire only. He does not
               want any man to presume that he knows what God would do in a particular situation.
               Yahweh wants all His sons to look to Him in all things. We are to see what works He is
               doing, and we are to do them in like manner. We are to hear His judgment in every matter,
               and then judge the same. We must not seek our will, but live for our Father’s will and
                     A large part of our problem in arriving at God’s mind is that our priorities and goals
               are not the same as His. When we encounter great trials our immediate thought is to be
               delivered from the distress, sorrow, or injury. When we are brought to a Gethsemane, our
               soul will say, “Father, let this cup of suffering pass from me.” It is at this point that we must
               yield to the Spirit and declare, “Yet not my will, but Your will be done.” Yahweh is looking
               to what we will one day be, and He chooses our circumstances, trials and cross to best
               promote our growth as sons.

                       Isaiah 55:8-9
                       "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares
                       Yahweh. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than
                       your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

                     Some have adopted a mindset where they believe they are to study the Scriptures that
               they might become adequate in themselves to make life decisions. Some have become so
               arrogant in this that they begin to demand of God that He do their bidding. They think this
               attitude is pleasing to  the  Father, yet such an attitude is foreign to  the life of Christ.
               Yahshua was meek and humble, and He only did those things the Father commanded Him
               to do. He made no demands Himself.
                     We are not to do any works arising out from self. We are to allow the indwelling Spirit
               of Christ to reveal to us God’s will, and provide the power to do that will.

                       John 14:10
                       The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father
                       abiding in Me does His works.

                     As sons of God in training to share the glory, power and authority of our Father in
               heaven, we must die to our own soul’s leadership and direction. We must become sons in
               whom  the  Father  abides  and  performs  His  works.  This  He  seeks  to  do  through  the
               indwelling Spirit of Christ.

                       Galatians 2:20
                       "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ
                       lives in me...”

                     This verse has been quoted often in Christendom, but it is rarely experienced. At the
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