Page 60 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 60

The apostle is declaring that there is a Sabbath rest for all of God’s sons to enter. Yet
               like the Israelites in the wilderness, the vast majority fail to enter in. The Sabbath rest
               before the sons of God today is defined as coming to an end of our own works; “the one
               who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did
               from  His.”  Walking  in  Sabbath  rest  is  manifested  by  doing  nothing  unless  we  have
               received it from the Father. This is what Christ was saying when He declared, “Not everyone
               who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will
               of My Father who is in heaven.” You can call Christ “Lord” all day long, but if the works
               you are doing originated in your own soul then you have not begun to do the will of the
                     Most Christians have almost no concept of the peril of being directed by their own
               soul. They consider that it is enough that they try to live a moral life, and that they devote
               some of their time to good works. Such a life is detestable to the Father. Yahweh does not
               want man to offer Him the fruit of his own soul. He wants man to die to self (soul) and
               begin to be directed and empowered in all things by the indwelling Spirit of Christ.

                       Luke 14:26
                       “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate... even his own life (psuche, soul),
                       he cannot be My disciple.”

                     If you still live the life of your soul, being led of your own natural mind, willing things
               from your Adamic soul, pursuing the pleasures and desires of the natural man, then you
               cannot be Christ’s disciple. The reason one must hate their own soul is that they dare not
               be directed by it if they would follow Christ, for He never was directed by His soul. He did
               only those things the Father showed Him to do. The disciple of Christ must do the same.

                       Ephesians 2:10
                       For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Yahshua for good works, which
                       God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

                     This was Christ’s meaning when He said many would come to Him on the day of
               judgment saying they did many good works in His name, but He would declare them
               lawless. These Christians were lawless because they did not submit to the leading of the
               Spirit in their works. They chose works according to the direction of their own soul. To do
               so is to be lawless, for a lawless man or woman has removed themselves out from under the
               rightful authority and have usurped this position. As disciples of Christ we must walk as
               Christ walked. He only did those things He saw the Father doing, and He was so perfect in
               this that He did not even speak a word of His own initiative. He only spoke that which the
               Father gave Him a command to speak.

                       John 12:49
                       “For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who
                       sent Me has given Me commandment, what to say, and what to speak.”

                       John 14:10
                       “The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but
                       the Father abiding in Me does His works.”
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