Page 55 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 55

Lest some should argue that the apostle Paul was giving these instructions to a fellow
               minister, and they don’t apply to all Christians, I will provide a couple examples of similar
               instructions to the churches.

                       Philippians 1:29-30
                       For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him,
                       but also to suffer for His sake, experiencing the same conflict which you
                       saw in me, and now hear to be in me.

                       Romans 8:16-17
                       The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if
                       children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer
                       with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him.

                     The  apostle  makes  it  quite  plain  to  the  saints  that  being  an  heir  with  Christ  is
               inextricably tied together with their willingness to suffer with Christ. There is an afflicted
               path that leads to life for all the sons of God. It is a sobering truth that the Lord declared
               when He uttered the words, “and few there are that find it.”
                     If we fail in conformity to Christ, a conformity that only comes by walking an afflicted
               path, then we will not attain to the number of the firstborn sons of God. Consider again, the
               story of Joseph. When all of Joseph’s brothers were living as free men, living as they
               pleased, Joseph was a slave and a prisoner. Joseph could not choose anything for himself,
               and he serves as a type of those who are overcomers in Christ.
                     For the past four years I have lived alone. My children are grown and my wife has
               chosen to not allow the Lord to order her steps, for there are certain things she desires, even
               requires in this life. I do not condemn her for this. I know, however, that I must not choose
               my lifestyle and activities for myself. I must surrender to the Father in all things. After my
               wife left me, Yahweh chose for me to live at a homeless shelter for a year, then to work as
               an employee of the homeless shelter for a further two years. I was not paid much, and
               though I have no debt and live a simple life, I found myself living constantly in dependence
               upon the Father to meet all of my needs.
                     Several months ago He directed me to leave the employment of the rescue mission,
               and to enter into full-time ministry again, trusting Him for every provision. He has been
               faithful to meet my every need. I am lacking for nothing, but by most American’s standards
               my life would be appalling. I have no home. I live out of a small camper/van. I have very few
               possessions. And I am dependent upon the Father for all of my needs.
                     Though many would not choose to live as the Father has directed me, I am content
               with what He has chosen. I know it is the optimal environment for me. In times past I have
               wondered why the Father didn’t pour out a great financial blessing upon me. I now know
               the answer. Financial wealth leads to independence. If I had much money in times past I
               would have made decisions that would have led me away from what was best for me. I
               would have sought to ease my way and make my flesh more comfortable. Comfort was not
               what I needed to grow, therefore God withheld His abundance.
                     Having an abundance tends to make men and women less sensitive to God’s leading
               and direction. They begin to make decisions influenced by the desires of their soul, rather
               than seeking to know the mind of Yahweh in everything. Perhaps the day will come when
               I have matured enough spiritually so that the Father can trust me with an abundance,
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