Page 53 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 53

There are few Christians today who have given up all their possessions to God. I am
               convinced that God would have everyone who would be a disciple of Christ to surrender all
               things to Him that He might direct them in all their worldly possessions, the choice of
               where they live, and how they spend their time and money. He may not tell you to dispose
               of all things, yet if Scriptures provide any pattern at all in God’s dealings with those who
               would be sons of God, He will require this of many. He laid this requirement on me. He
               reduced my worldly possessions down to nothing. For a time He led my family and I to live
               and travel in a 20 year old motorhome, and I am convinced that had the rest of my family
               stayed the course, this would be our manner of living in this hour.
                     If we make our life choices for ourselves, we will inevitably choose circumstances and
               conditions that are comfortable to our flesh. This comfort stands as a hindrance to spiritual
               growth. Having a home can afford so much comfort and insulation from the trials we need
               to mature that Yahshua will call us to surrender even this which many find to be an absolute
               requirement, and non-negotiable with the Lord. Yahshua spoke to a Scribe who wanted to
               follow Him as a disciple. Scribes in Israel had comfortable lives, and nice homes. He told
               the Scribe:

                       Matthew 8:20
                       "The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has
                       nowhere to lay His head."

                     Yahshua, although being the Son of God, was content to live far below the standard
               of living of the people He dwelt among. Most Jews had a home of some kind, but Yahshua
               lived as a homeless man. God could have provided a house and a nice ministry center for
               His Son. Yet He chose that which was optimal to teach Him obedience, and to perfect Him.

                       Hebrews 5:8-9
                       Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He
                       suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey
                       Him the source of eternal salvation...

                     In order to enter by the narrow gate, and to travel the afflicted way which leads to life,
               it is mandatory that we allow our Father in heaven to direct our steps. The vast majority of
               mankind seek to direct their own steps. They have certain desires and requirements that
               they feel this life should provide for them. Yahshua said that this path of self-direction is
               wide and it leads to destruction.
                     I know that to Western Christians, this message is very radical. It was radical in the
               day of Christ. The rich young ruler went away grieved, probably reasoning that what Christ
               demanded of him could not possibly be the will of God. Most Scribes in Christ’s day would
               also have balked at giving up the requirement of having their own home, thinking such a
               sacrifice was totally unnecessary. The apostle Paul very plainly affirmed the words of Christ,
               revealing that he was not only willing to accept this afflicted path, but he instructed others
               that it was right and necessary.

                       I Timothy 6:6-11
                       But  godliness  actually  is  a  means  of  great  gain,  when  accompanied  by
                       contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take
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