Page 32 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 32

Those who would be numbered among the firstborn should study the life of Joseph.
               His brothers discerned that he was loved of his father above them. This is a spiritual
               parable. Yahweh will show a greater favor to those destined to be firstfruits unto Him, than
               He does to others. Jacob made for Joseph a special garment, and the firstborn will be
               clothed with the favor of God. Yet this favor will cause jealousy among the brothers of the
               firstfruits company. This is seen not only in Joseph’s life, but in the life of Yahshua.
                     Yahshua came as One destined to receive the inheritance of the firstborn. The Jews
               had Him killed due to their jealousy.

                       Matthew 27:17-18
                       Pilate  said  to  them,  "Whom  do  you  want  me  to  release  for  you?  Barabbas,  or
                       Yahshua who is called Christ?" For he knew that because of envy they had
                       delivered Him up.

                     It was impossible to deny that the favor of the Father rested upon Yahshua. He
               manifested a wisdom that could not be refuted. He walked in a power that was clearly
               divine. Despite the fact that the blessings of the Father rested upon Yahshua, the Jews did
               not  refrain  themselves  from  persecuting  this  favored  Son.  In  the  same  way,  Joseph’s
               brothers could see that Joseph was adorned in the special garment of his father, but they
               had no regard for their Father’s judgment in this matter. They persecuted Joseph, spoke of
               killing him, and eventually sold him as a slave into the land of Egypt.
                     Those who would be firstfruits unto God must anticipate that such rejection by their
               brethren will be their portion. One cannot be too attached to a desire for fellowship among
               brethren if they would attain to the high call of their Father in heaven. A time will come
               when such sons of God will recognize that their devotion and love for the Father will lead
               them to be rejected by their brethren, and they must be willing to bear the cost. They must
               be willing to walk alone, separated from the companionship of other earthly relations.

                       John 1:11
                       He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

                       Luke 14:26
                       “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and
                       children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My

                     The walk of the firstborn is a lonely walk. It is a life set aside for the pleasure of
               Yahweh, our heavenly Father. When one walks with God, they will find themselves with
               little earthly company. The church today has lots of fellowship.  There  are myriads of
               brethren  who  meet  together  regularly,  feasting  together,  playing  together,  dwelling
               together, while the Joseph’s are alone.
                     One might think that Joseph finally knew fellowship when his brothers came to Egypt
               to buy grain and were reunited with him, but this is not so. We read the following about
               Joseph’s circumstances.

                       Genesis 43:32
                       And the servants set out the food for Joseph by himself, and for his brothers by
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