Page 29 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 29

wreath for which we are contending. It requires great focus, aim, sacrifice and discipline to
               receive the reward of the firstborn. Yet how many Christians today are running without any
               aim or discipline? Most do not perceive that there is a prize to be won, and a high calling
               above all other callings to strive toward.
                     Those who attain to the number of the firstborn will excel all others as the Sun excels
               the  stars,  as  a  man  excels  a  fish.  Perhaps  you  have  not  been  taught  the  truth  of  the
               resurrection from the dead. Perhaps you have been lulled to sleep by the vain and errant
               prattle of ministers and Bible teachers who proclaim that it is simply enough to confess
               Christ that you might go to heaven when you die. Perhaps you have been content to live as
               the majority of Christians, enjoying the pursuits and pleasures of the world while declaring
               your love for Christ. Do not be deceived. There were eleven tribes out of twelve who were
               disqualified for the privilege of being numbered among the firstborn. Only those who paid
               the cost were chosen to be holy unto Yahweh, to receive God as their inheritance.

                       Deuteronomy 10:8-9
                       At that time Yahweh set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the ark of the
                       covenant of Yahweh, to stand before Yahweh to serve Him and to bless in
                       His name until this day. Therefore, Levi does not have a portion or inheritance
                       with his brothers; Yahweh is his inheritance, just as Yahweh your God spoke
                       to him.)

                     Everything in this Scripture is a parable of the firstborn from the dead. Levi would
               carry the ark of the covenant. This is a type of those who would carry the full and glorious
               likeness of Christ. Levi would stand in the presence of Yahweh, while access to His presence
               would be restricted to all those who embraced the idolatry of the world.

                       Ezekiel 44:12-13
                       Because they ministered to them before their idols and became a stumbling block of
                       iniquity  to  the  house  of  Israel,  therefore  I  have  sworn  against  them,"  declares
                       Yahweh God, "that they shall bear the punishment for their iniquity. And they shall
                       not come near to Me to serve as a priest to Me, nor come near to any of My holy
                       things, to the things that are most holy; but they shall bear their shame and their
                       abominations which they have committed.”

                     In the day of judgment there will be many of God’s children who will understand that
               although they were called to serve as priests before God, because they did not separate
               themselves in a pure devotion to God, but were doubleminded, pursuing the same idols of
               mammon and worldly success and pleasure as the world, they will not be granted access to
               the presence of Yahweh. This is a terrible tragedy, and it is reason enough to strive to attain
               to the number of the firstborn. What astounding things must be contained in the type and
               shadow of the Law where Yahweh told the tribe of Levi that He would be their inheritance!
               In all the ages to come it will be clearly revealed that there is nothing of greater value, glory,
               majesty and surpassing excellence, than to have Yahweh as a possession.
                     The majority of Israel were disqualified from being selected to be God’s priests, His
               firstborn. Eleven tribes were not allowed to serve the Tabernacle, or to carry the ark of the
               covenant. Only one tribe attained to this honor. This same pattern is revealed in the life of
               Jacob’s twelve sons. Reuben was the firstborn of his father. The preeminence should have
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