Page 22 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 22

God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to
                       the fulness of Christ... we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is
                       the head, even Christ...

                     What glory awaits the children of God! We are told that Yahshua endured the cross
               as He looked to the joy set before Him. What joy is also set before those who share in His
               suffering? Paul states that our sufferings are not even worth being compared with the glory
               that is about to be revealed to us and in us. The glory that awaits the sons of God is such
               that when it is revealed none will think it blasphemy to hear the words “Ye are as gods.”
                     We will be like the Firstborn Son of God. We will be like the Firstborn Son of God in
               His glory. We will be as gods. We will be radiant in the glory that is bestowed upon us.
               Yahshua’s delight and hope as He drew closer to the cross was in seeing His disciples
               crowned with glory, sharing in the glory that was His own destiny. He spoke of this shortly
               before His crucifixion.

                       John 17:5
                       "Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You
                       before the world was... The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that
                       they may be one, just as We are one...”

                     The saints’ future is to share in the glory that belongs to Christ; to share an inheritance
               with Him for ages to come; to share His authority, and to rule and reign with Him. The sons
               of God are to bear the power of gods in the ages to come. They must therefore be brought
               to a complete surrender to the will and pleasure of their Father. They must come to a
               complete conformity to the One who created them. Only then can He trust them with His
               divine power and authority.
                     God has determined that all men should come to this place of resurrection life and
               power. Yet not all will arrive at this state at the same time, nor will all be granted power,
               glory and authority in the same measure. We will look at what the Scriptures say in this
               regard in the next chapter.
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