Page 19 - Christ in You - The Hope of Glory
P. 19

ministers today who cry out for the power of God. Men are given gifts of the Spirit, and are
               entrusted with anointings, albeit relatively weak and small in comparison to that of Moses,
               or the apostles, or the Son of God. Yet, even with these small anointings these men are not
               careful to do only what God commands, and to speak only what He places in their mouths
               to speak. These men are moved by selfish motives, and act out the passions and desires of
               the flesh. They peddle the anointing, seeking to gain in reputation, or wealth; to incur some
               favor from those who are wealthy and powerful, or to gain the affection and admiration of
               the people of God.
                     Will  not  God  judge  these  even  as  He  judged  Moses?  Will  they  not  disqualify
               themselves from entering into all that God would have granted them? Because these do not
               treat God as holy in the midst of the people of God, they will not prosper. The anointing will
               pass to another, and their ministry will be brought to an end they did not wish. Though they
               cry out to God, He will not repent.
                     For this reason it is necessary that all those who would be entrusted with the power
               of God be first subjected to a fiery wilderness experience where they learn to humble
               themselves before God. They must learn to fear God, and to despise the flesh with its pride
               and stubborn will. Unless one submits to this difficult preparation, they will find themselves
               corrupted by the power they earnestly desire. They will become puffed up as they observe
               God manifesting Himself through them in power.
                     The  apostle  Paul  was  given  a  taste  of  the  powers  of  the  age  to  come.  Yahweh
               manifested His power through Paul, as well as granting visions and revelations to Paul that
               belonged to the age to come.

                       Acts 19:11-13
                       And  God  was  performing  extraordinary miracles by  the  hands  of  Paul,  so  that
                       handkerchiefs  or  aprons  were  even  carried  from  his  body  to  the  sick,  and  the
                       diseases left them and the evil spirits went out.

                     Can you understand how a man who has not been taught a deep humility and been
               broken  before  God  would  make  a  shipwreck  of  his  life  if  he  were  granted  a  similar
               experience of power today? It is reported that there are ministers currently who claim some
               healing anointing and they are SELLING handkerchiefs to be used to heal the sick. Such
               men should tremble in terror at the thought of such a diabolical action. Will they take the
               anointing of God and peddle it for personal gain?

                       II Corinthians 2:17
                       Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in
                       Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.

                     It is necessary that a man be thoroughly broken in order to be entrusted with power.
               A man must not desire anything for self.

                       I Timothy 6:7-10
                       For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it
                       either. And if we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. But those
                       who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful
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