Page 85 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 85

One of the most revered works of art in the Romish church’s most famous house of worship is the
               Throne of Saint Peter. Parishioners seated in the pews face directly at the wall holding this ornate
               throne over which is a glorious sunburst design. It should be noted that the throne is empty. There
               is  no  image  of  Peter  sitting  in  this  throne,  a  fact  belying  its  true  meaning.  The  only  object
               “enthroned” here is the glorious Sun which sits just above the throne. This image of the Sun is the
               equivalent of the statue of Sol Invictus which Emperor Constantine drew attention to with his
               magnificent arch.

               Inside Saint Peter’s Basilica we can see that a similar layout greets those who walk down the main
               aisle of this temple. In the place of the Arch of Constantine we see the Baldacchino perfectly framing
               the image of the Sun between its massive columns. Just as there are images of Sol Invictus on
               Constantine’s Arch, there are images of the Sun carved into the Baldacchino.

               The photo above shows one of many sunburst images adorning the Baldacchino. A wider view also
               shows the golden orb above the Baldacchino and the many images of honey bees which were
               associated with various gods and goddesses, including Apollo, the Roman Sun god. The Priestess
               of Delphi where Apollo was worshiped was referred to as a bee.
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