Page 70 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 70

very ancient and one of the most powerful symbols used in occultism and the casting of zodiacal
               horoscopes by astrologers. In fact, magicians and alchemists believed that the hexagram was
               actually the footprint of a demon called a “trud,” which they used in ceremonies to both attract and
               repel demons. The word “hex” or “curse” comes from the hexagon.

               The hexagram, in addition to appearing in the Great Seal of Solomon, is also a common symbol in
               Judaism, as there supposedly was a 6-pointed star on the shield that David carried to battle Goliath.
               However, despite the popularity of the Star of David, there is no Biblical or historical evidence that
               connects the hexagram with King David of Israel, although it can be traced to King Solomon when
               he turned to pagan gods in his later years.

               Amazing, isn’t it? You can find the truth about this symbol on the website of a beer museum, but
               you cannot find the truth in the churches which proudly display this symbol. Even the brewing
               historians recognize that the symbol has no Biblical, or historical connection to King David, yet
               Christians are adopting the symbol and calling it “the Star of David.”

               Returning to the Philosopher’s Stone, or the Prima Materia, we find that it is actually a mystical
               representation of Satan. He is the one who promises transformation to men through the impartation
               of gnosis. Once a man reaches a place of enlightenment, he is able to transcend this mortal plane and
               pass into a godlike state. In Freemasonry, this is referred to as apotheosis. On the ceiling of the U.S.
               Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C., there is a famous painting of George Washington ascending
               to take his place among the gods. The painting is called The Apotheosis of Washington.

               The Apotheosis of Washington

               Following is a close-up image of George Washington, who was a Freemason familiar with the
               mysteries of Lucifer.
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