Page 60 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 60

wholesale much of the Roman Saturnalia. The Saturnalia was held on the date of the dedication of
               the Temple of Saturn in Rome in 497 B.C.. If Hanukkah actually refers to the re-dedication of the
               Temple  of  Jerusalem  after  the  Greeks  had  defiled  it,  why  is  it  not  called  “The  Feast  of  Re-
               Dedication.” Why does it bear the name “The Feast of Dedication,” a title which hearkens back to
               the founding of the Temple of Saturn? Why is Hanukkah also called The Festival of Lights, a name
               by which Saturnalia was also known, as Macrobius informs us? Why is Hanukkah observed with the
               lighting of candles, the exchange of dreidels, and the eating of oily foods, all of which are traceable
               back to the idolatrous celebration of Saturn?

               Those who are determined to continue to observe this eight day “Jewish” festival will inevitably cite
               the common legends associated with Hanukkah. They are unwilling to acknowledge that they are
               merely repeating the “false explanations and misinterpretations” that Satan and his disciples use
               “to mislead those who deserve only to be misled.” They are engaging in the “hidden” worship of
               Satan. They are partaking of the “mysteries” which originated in Babylon while not understanding
               the truth of the symbols and rites they have adopted.
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