Page 58 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 58

church father Tertullian’s writing in which he reproves Calistus who is the “bishop of bishops” of
               the Christian church in Rome. The Roman Catholics consider Calistus to be the 16  Pope in a line
               of succession that began with the apostle Peter.

               In opposition to this [modesty], could I not have acted the dissembler? I hear that there has even
               been an edict sent forth, and a peremptory one too. The ‘Pontifex Maximus,’ that is the ‘bishop of
               bishops,’ issues an edict: ‘I remit, to such as have discharged [the requirements of] repentance, the
               sins both of adultery and of fornication.’ O edict, on which cannot be inscribed, ‘Good deed!’ ...Far,
               far from Christ's betrothed be such a proclamation!
               [On Modesty 1, Ante-Nicene Fathers IV:74]

               Calistus - Pope 217-222 A.D.

               Tertullian  may  have  been  writing  facetiously  when  he  referred  to  Calistus  as  the  “Pontifex
               Maximus,” for this title was given to the Emperor of Rome who was the de facto head of the College
               of Pontiffs. It would not be until Constantine the Great, ruler of Rome from 306-337 A.D. that an
               Emperor would declare himself to be a Christian, and the official religion of Rome to be Christianity.
               Consequently, the title of Pontifex Maximus was not officially applied to a “Christian” ruler until
               Constantine’s reign. The early church fathers of Tertullian’s day recognized the Pontifex Maximus
               as the evil high priest of a profane and idolatrous religion. They referred to the Pontifex Maximus
               as “the king of heathendom.” This title which from antiquity was assigned to the top religious leader
               of the Roman mystery religion is now borne by the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. All of the
               costumes, rites, symbols, holidays, and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church which are such a
               departure from the pure apostolic faith of the early church, are elements carried over from the ancient
               mystery religion, the worship of Satan, which began in Babylon.

               Hislop relates that although Rome became a renowned center of Satan worship under the guise of
               worshiping Saturn, the true seat of Satan was in Pergamon. This fact is attested to in the Bible as
               Christ is addressing the church residing in that city.

               Revelation 2:13
               “I know where you dwell, where Satan's throne is; and you hold fast My name, and did not deny My
               faith, even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where
               Satan dwells.”
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