Page 53 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 53


               Roman Holiday

               Yet Satan has paid especial attention to corrupting the people of Yahweh. He has expended great
               effort in introducing to both Jews and Christians the symbols and rites of his own worship. He has
               done  so  in  a  veiled  manner,  for  as  Albert  Pike  declared,  Satan  “uses  false  explanations  and
               misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the
               Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are
               unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it....” Christians and Jews alike are deemed
               unworthy of knowing the true meaning of the rites and symbols foisted upon them. Those who are
               worshipers  of  Yahweh  and  His  Son  Yahshua  are  deemed  to  be  deficient  in  both  reason  and
               understanding. Therefore, Satan gives to them “a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason.”

               A growing number of Christians are become educated regarding the unclean spiritual elements of
               Christmas and Easter. I trust that this present writing is helping some to perceive the Satanic origins
               of the festival known as Hanukkah. Both Hanukkah and Christmas are adaptations of the Roman
               Saturnalia. The subtlety and cunning of the devil is evident in that he has led multitudes of Christians
               to embrace as their highest holy days two celebrations that are idolatrous. Christmas is nothing more
               than the worship of Saturn/Satan promoted to Christians as a celebration of the birth of God’s Son.
               Easter still bears the name of the pagan goddess of fertility whom it honors. Easter is a Germanic
               form of the Babylonian Ishtar. In the Old Testament we read of the Israelites worshiping this pagan
               goddess under the names Astarte and Ashtoreth.

               Unlike the other gods worshiped by the Romans, the statue of Saturn that resided in his temple at
               the base of the Capitoline hill was draped in a veil. The image introducing this chapter shows Saturn
               veiled while holding his accompanying sickle. The image was found painted on a wall of that wicked
               Roman city, Pompeii. The city of Pompeii, along with the city of Herculaneum, fell under Yahweh’s
               judgment in similar fashion as the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah two millennia earlier. When Mount
               Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D., both of these Roman cities were buried in fiery ash and pumice, and
               smothered with suffocating heat and gases, killing the inhabitants almost instantly. The cities were
               buried, frozen in time. They have been a treasure trove for historians, showing what life was like in
               the Roman empire of the first century A.D..

               Both Pompeii and Herculaneum were grossly debauched cities. Found among the ruins of the cities
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