Page 51 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 51

while immensely greater numbers of men are led to embrace the forms of Satan worship unwittingly
               as they are lied to about the origins and meanings of the rites and symbols they are embracing. An
               hour is at hand when Satan, the great dragon and serpent of old, will be worshiped openly by the
               citizens of this world.

               Revelation 13:3-4
               And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; and they worshiped the dragon,
               because he gave his authority to the beast...

               In preparation of that coming hour, men, women, and children are being plied with an increasing
               flood of Satanic symbols.

               Satanic Symbols By Musicians and Actors
               (666 Hand Sign, All Seeing Eye, Pyramid)

               Luciferian Symbols in Corporate Logos and Advertising
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