Page 44 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 44

Every Christmas, directly above the statue of Prometheus/Lucifer at Rockefeller Center, an enormous
               Christmas tree is erected amid much pomp. The tree is adorned with lights, and a blazing star
               signifying Lucifer, the angelic light bearer, crowns the top. Note the symbolism of Prometheus
               holding the gift of fire directly under the tree where the Christmas presents would be placed. Satan
               boasts of having brought the blazing light of knowledge to humanity. I would postulate that this is
               precisely the same image being presented with the Shamash candle which stands apart from and
               above the other candles on  the Hanukiah. This  candle  is  used  to  light  all  the others. Thus is
               Satan/Saturn/Lucifer depicted as being the source of all light, and bringing that light to mankind.

               II Corinthians 11:13-15
               For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And
               no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his
               servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their

               When Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
               he was offering them a gift. He was alluring them with forbidden knowledge. To Satan’s disciples,
               the transgression of this fallen angel is styled as a benevolent gift, and Yahweh is figured as a tyrant
               who punished Satan unjustly. In Satan’s guise as Prometheus, we read the following words regarding
               this being, the words being inscribed beneath the statue.

               Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty

               In the New Testament the word for angel is also translated as “messenger.” Consequently, the phrase
               “angel of light” and “messenger of wisdom and knowledge” become synonymous with one another.
               What is depicted in the lighting of the Christmas tree and the laying of gifts beneath it, is the same
               story being told through the Shamash candle being used to light the eight candles of the Hanukiah.
               Lucifer, the light bringer, is portrayed as giving his light/wisdom/knowledge to mankind.

               It is of little consequence whether Shamash refers to the Babylonian Sun-god, or whether it is a
               reference to Alap-Shamash, the deity associated with the planet Saturn. Both roads lead back to
               Satan who styles himself as the heavenly ruler and the source of light for all mankind. Recognizing
               that the days of the week are all dedicated to various deities, and understanding that Satan is an
               usurper, wanting to ascend to the place reserved for Yahweh, it follows logically that he would wish
               to usurp unto himself that day which is peculiarly reserved for the worship of Yahweh. In the Bible,
               that day is the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week. It is notable that the seventh day Sabbath has
               been replaced among a great many nations of the world with the worship of Saturn. Hence, in the
               English speaking portions of the world, we call the seventh day Saturday (Saturn’s Day).

               Although it is not readily apparent why the planet Saturn would come to such prominence, since it
               is among the dimmest of the seven ancient planets due to its great distance from the Sun and earth,
               historians relate that this planet and the god it represents held a position of preeminence among the
               heavenly lights. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian who lived in the first century B.C., wrote that
               the Chaldeans regarded Saturn as the most prominent of the planets.
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