Page 23 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 23

Orthodox Jews, do not know Yahweh or His Son.

               John 16:2-3
               “They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you
               to think that he is offering service to God. And these things they will do, because they have not
               known the Father, or Me.”

               Having  pursued  a  course  of  “independence”  from  God,  the  Jews  consider  themselves  to  be
               emancipated. They do not acknowledge the need to wait upon Yahweh to know His mind and
               thoughts. The independent action of the Hebrew people included developing their own law (Torah).
               This is what Hyam Maccoby admitted when he summed up the message contained in this Talmudic
               story. “This extraordinary story strikes the keynote of the Talmud. God is a good father who wants
               His children to grow up and achieve independence. He has given them His Torah, but now wants
               them to develop it...”

               This is precisely what the Jews did. They “developed” their own Torah. Their Torah is the Oral
               Torah, now referred to as the Talmud. Along with the Talmud, the Jews venerate the Midrash.

               Midrash Set

               The Midrash is a second body of writings that is closely associated with the Talmud. Its contents
               were written by many of the same men who contributed to the Talmud. The Midrash is organized
               differently than the Talmud. The Talmud is arranged topically, for the many opinions of the rabbis
               did not fit well with a Scriptural layout. The Midrash, by contrast, follows the layout of the Bible.
               It is similar to a running commentary on various books of the Bible. The Scriptures are cited,
               alongside of which are copious comments by the rabbis. It is not unusual to find a fragment of a
               single verse attended by pages of rabbinical commentary. The rabbis also presume to fill in “gaps”
               in the Bible narrative as they supply information that is absent from the divinely inspired words of

               There is much pride revealed by those who would add to the word of God. An absence of holy fear
               towards the Creator is manifested when men begin to tinker with the message Yahweh delivered to
               mankind. Far from being the reflections of wise men who had a deep reverence for the holy words
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