Page 17 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 17

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Joseph Smith of the Mormons, reveals one of the chief tactics Satan uses
               to corrupt the word of God in order to hinder humanity from arriving at the knowledge of the truth.
               He will alter, or add to the word of God, ultimately leading men to place a higher emphasis upon
               these corruptions than they do upon the Scriptures themselves. It should surprise no Christian to
               discover that this practice goes much further back, even pre-dating Christianity. Satan used the same
               scheme to lead the Jewish people away from truth by having them adopt a second Torah that
               ultimately redefined the original and stole away from men the key of knowledge.

               Today there are Yeshivas, schools of Jewish religious instruction, where men (and some women)
               devote their lives to the study of the Jewish religion. Yet, it is not the Holy Scriptures that captivates
               their attention and demands their devotion. Rather, it is the study of the Talmud and the Midrashic
               writings of various Hebrew sages and rabbis throughout the centuries. These writings include
               numerous passages which defame the Son of God. He is always spoken of as illegitimate, a worker
               of forbidden magic, and one who suffered a disgraceful death. To deny Yahshua the Messiah to be
               the Son of God and the Savior of mankind is a manifestation of the spirit of anti-Christ. The Talmud,
               for this reason, and others, must be considered to be a work of Satan. It has no divine legitimacy.

               Despite the lying claims about the Talmud’s origin, its enmity toward the truth of God’s word, its
               claim of being superior to the divinely inspired Scriptures, its denouncement of the Messiah, and its
               rejection by Isaiah, Yahshua, and the apostles, there are many among the Hebrew Roots Movement
               who are advocating that Christians study the Talmud in order to properly understand their Bibles.
               They are inviting believers to engage in a vain, and potentially harmful, activity. Can a man gather
               figs from thorns, or pick grapes from a briar bush?

               The Talmud is a thief. It steals away the key of knowledge from mankind. It is a rebel, asserting its
               own will and ways above those of the Creator. It is full of pride, claiming to be superior to the words
               of Yahweh. It is a destroyer, casting down all that is true and holy, blinding men to the truth, and
               suffering none to challenge its authority. Are these not the characteristics of that being whom
               Yahshua said “comes only to kill, steal, and destroy”?

               As I was perusing various websites looking for information for this study, I came across the website
      An article was posted there by a woman named Shani Tzoref who holds a
               Masters degree in Jewish History from Yeshiva University and a Ph.D. in Ancient Jewish Literature
               from New York University. Among other biographical facts, it was mentioned that she was awarded
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